We just love walking the streets of Cuenca. Mainly because we are always finding something new around the corner. That’s how we found the wonderful exhibit of handwork and embroidery hosted by the Centro de Bordados Cuenca.
About the Centro de Bordados Cuenca
Founded in 1989, the Centro de Bordados Cuenca is an organization that promotes the art and craft of fiber artisans in the Azuay Province. Currently, with a membership of over 60 women, they sell their works at both local and international markets.
To learn more about how to invite this organization display their goods, please contact them via email at centrodebordadoscuenca@gmail.com.
Embroidery Exhibit in Cuenca
While the work of these women can be everything from handwoven shawls to knitted hats to embroidered T-shirts, the current display in Cuenca focuses heavily on hand-embroidered cards. While many of theme are Christmas-themed, the vast majority celebrate the daily life of the Ecuadorian Andes.
The Centro de Boradados Cuenca is currently working on a permanent exhibit location. In the meantime, please check out their current location on Luís Cordero y Sucre or check their website for upcoming exhibits.