Quito is the capital city of the nation but is the jewel of the Province of Pichincha. Set high in a mountain valley that is easily four times longer than is wide, Quito is nestled against the slope of the Pichincha Volcano. The people of the area are used to the occasional earthquake and the uncommon but not unheard of threat of a volcanic eruption. Amazingly, the Historic Center has retained many of its colonial buildings and is currently experiencing a renaissance as tourists come from not only international destinations but from other places in Ecuador.

These photos barely touch the surface of all this city has to offer:

Ecuador Por Mis Ojos
Historic Quito from the Basilica del Voto Nacional; Ecuador Por Mis Ojos
Ecuador Por Mis Ojos
Ecuador Por Mis Ojos
Ecuador Por Mis Ojos
Ecuador Por Mis Ojos
Ecuador Por Mis Ojos
Ecuador Por Mis Ojos


Last year, the Instituto Geografico Militar of Ecuador and I released a book of photography, Ecuador Por Mis Ojos. This post shares photos from that book.

If you would like to see other photos from the book, please check out: