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The New Cathedral, Cuenca

by | Mar 10, 2015 | Churches, Cuenca, Ecuador, Southern Ecuador, The Andes | 2 comments

One of the most famous sites in Cuenca, a city known for its historic center and colonial buildings, is not very old at all. While construction of the New Cathedral began in the 1880s, completion took almost 100 years. The church was consecrated in 1967, a little less than 50 years ago. Some still consider the building unfinished as the original plans included two very taller towers on the facade which were never built because of a calculation error and the foundation of the church was not strong enough to support the planned height.

The Cathedral is a monument to European artistry. The style of architecture is predominately Romanesque Revival, harking back to the architect’s place of birth, the Alsace. The domes are covered in blue and white glazed tile that was made in Czechoslovakia. While some of the marble comes from local Ecuadorian sources, the rose colored stones found in the floor were imported from Italy. The stained glass windows were created by a Spanish artist and made with antique glass that came from France. The carved canopy that sits over the altar is similar to one found in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.

The ties to Europe echo throughout the Cathedral. In fact, they echo throughout Cuenca, which is considered one of the more European-style cities in Ecuador. 

I’m not sure which I enjoyed more, the people watching outside the Cathedral or the art stroll inside. Cuenca is a bustling city on most weekdays and the church is a quiet escape for many Cuencanos. There will always be people at prayer while the church doors are open yet children can be found playing soccer on the steps immediately outside. 

Tickets can be purchased to visit the crypt and the domes. The latter requires a climb of about 150 stairs so arrive in comfortable shoes! On our last visit, the entrance fee was only a couple of dollars. Unfortunately, the church does not have an easily found website with entrance times, holidays, or a fee schedule. Our recommendation is to show up in the morning, around 9 am, and ask at the ticket booth for exact hours. Remember that Cuenca is an extremely Catholic city and that the church is first and foremost a place of worship and that tourists are discouraged from visiting during Mass unless they are participating in the service.

Detail of the Entryway, the New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
The Entryway, the New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
The Virgin Mary, The New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
Interior, the New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
The Virgin Mary, the New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
The Altar, the New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
Side Chapel, the New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
A Side View, the New Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador

The New Cathedral

Information For Your Trip

Visiting the New Cathedral can be combined with a walking tour of Cuenca. The city is amazingly pedestrian friendly. 

  • Direction by Car, use WAZE and look for Inmaculada Concepción Cathedral, 8-27 Padre Aguirre, Cuenca Azuay.
  • Direction by Public Transportation Use the Cuenca Bus Map App.
<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. jvaras

    Have you any pictures of Cochabamba, Ecuador is a small village near Cuenca were they maKE 18K GOLD jewlery

    • AngelaJean

      I’m afraid I don’t. We didn’t make it there on this trip. Maybe next time. Have you been?


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